今年,虽然苏联切尔诺贝利核电站发生事故,造成重大伤亡,但在全世界,对发展核电计划及环境条件并未产生激烈的影响。整个情况,大致如下: 1、由于电力需求停滞增加,不仅核电站、建设其它新电站(火力发电站等)的步伐比放慢了。但是,核能发电作为主要电源,在先进工业国中已扎了根。面向新时代的轻水反应堆、高速增殖堆(FBR)等的开发,虽缓慢,但踏实地前进着。
This year, despite the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, which caused heavy casualties, the world has not had a drastic effect on the development of nuclear power programs and environmental conditions. The overall situation is as follows: 1. As the demand for electricity has stalled, not only the pace of nuclear power stations and other new power plants (thermal power plants) has been slowed down. However, nuclear power generation, as the main power source, has taken root in the advanced industrialized countries. The development of light water reactors and high-speed breeder reactors (FBRs) for a new era is slow but steadily progressing.