六合的地方經濟,頗不健全,農民大多貧困。揆其原因,主由於水利不修,排水和灌溉工具缺乏,肥料缺乏,不產棉花,農產貿易的嚴重剝削。手工業不發達,農民所有耕地過少,負担過重,以及封建地主的剝削等等所致。故欲發展六合的地方经济,解除大多数農民的貧苦,必須祛除這些原因,並解决由此所引起的下列諸問题: (一)大力發動並組織民眾築堤、挖塘、修壩;普遍貸欵購置抽水機。抽水機,在淺丘地帶用於灌溉,在圩田地带用於排水,均極重要。
Luhe’s local economy is not perfect, and most peasants are poor. The reason is that the main problems are the serious exploitation of agriculture, the lack of fertilizers, the lack of cotton production and the agrarian trade due to the lack of water conservancy, the lack of drainage and irrigation tools. Underdeveloped handicrafts, too little cultivated land owned by peasants, over-burdens, exploitation by feudal landlords and so on. Therefore, if we want to develop the local economy of Lukho and lift the poverty of most peasants, we must get rid of these causes and solve the following problems caused by them: (1) vigorously mobilize and organize people to embankment, dig ponds and repair dams; Buying water pumps. Pumping, irrigation in the shallow hill areas, drainage in the polder fields are all extremely important.