《一村之长》给赵本山提供了一个让千百万观众重新发现自己的难得机会;而赵本山也给《一村之长》定下了让千百万观众喜闻乐见的喜剧基调。《一村之长》是朱一民导演和赵本山笑星的一次互惠互补、因此的确是卓有成效的创作合作。 经验证明,笑星“触电”是要冒风险的。笑星都是创作个性异常强烈的演员,如何让他们既能服从于剧情的规定情境而又不束缚他们即兴发挥的主观能动性?笑星一般都是“表现派”的类型化演员,如何使他们获得一些真正的内心体验的瞬间,从而不仅在外形上而且也是在心灵上接近角色?这都是不大容易解决
“The Length of One Village” provided Zhao with a golden opportunity for millions of viewers to rediscover herself; and Zhao Benshan also set the tone of a comedy that made millions of spectators loved by the “leader of a village.” “The Length of One Village” is a mutual complementarity between director Zhu Yimin and Zhao Benshan, so it is indeed an effective creative collaboration. Experience has shown that laughter “electric shock” is to take risks. How to let them both subordinate to the circumstances of the story without restraining their subjective initiative to improvise? Comedians are generally “performanceist” types of actors, how to make them get some The moment of true inner experience so that it is not only physically but also physically approaching the character? It’s not easy to solve