Mechanical manipulators, artificial limbs, and future corrective devices require good tactile sensing systems to achieve the following three important goals: 1. Tactile exploration of the surface of the object, spying and exploration; 2. Tactile processing of objects; 3 Perception of the shape. This article attempts to provide a preliminary structural system that uses an automated method for tactile guidance detection and shape perception. The system can identify the necessary sensor information, including the spatial and temporal changes of the information. Using feedforward and feedback control mechanisms, the system realizes the speed change of the system and forms the mechanical part of the sensation. These features, in turn, highlight the major building blocks needed in the design of future artificial skin, haptics, and processing systems. These building blocks include real-time CNS machines to perform the necessary computations, transformations, and manipulations; an array of sensors and processors to perform the necessary operations and to extract recognition parameters to handle all tactile sensations