“千里之行,始于足下。”行走姿势优美与否,主要取决于足踝部的健康,美踝操便是塑造女子足踝匀称、矫健、踝腱柔韧的途径。 1.仰卧,两腿伸直,两手胸前交叉,然后两腿屈膝(两脚不可离地),足踝绷紧,头肩部向前抬起,肩胛骨不触及地面,静止5~10秒。重复5~6次。 2.仰卧,两臂紧靠体侧,两腿伸直,屈膝,足贴地面,脚背和足趾绷直,两手向前平举,仰卧起坐。重复4~5次。 3.俯卧,两腿伸直,两臂前伸,右手和左脚同时上抬,左脚背和足趾用力绷紧伸直,抬头。两臂和两脚交替进行,重复10~15次。
“A journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step.” Whether walking gracefully or not depends mainly on the health of the ankle and the ankle exercises are the way to shape the ankle well-proportioned, vigorous and flexible. 1. Supine, legs straight, chest cross hands, and then both legs knees (feet can not leave), ankle taut, head and shoulders forward lift, scapula do not touch the ground, still 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat 5 ~ 6 times. 2. Supine, arms close to the side of the body, legs straight, knees, foot paste the ground, instep and toes Bengzhi, hands flat forward, sit-ups. Repeat 4 ~ 5 times. 3. prone, legs straight, arms extended, right hand and left foot at the same time lift, left toe and toe force tighten straight, looked up. Alternate arms and legs, repeat 10 to 15 times.