新中国建立以后,辞书事业得到突飞猛进的发展,辞书编纂欣欣向荣,方兴未艾。据有关部门统计1900—1949年的五十年中,出版辞书320部。1949~1989年的四十年间出辞书3971种,已进入编纂阶段和在制的辞书还有2700种。新中国四十年来的辞书编纂,数量和质量上都大大超过了旧中国的五十年。 (一) 四十年来辞书编纂,大致可以分为三个阶段:解放初到“文化大革命”前、“文化大革命”中、“文化大革命”后到现在。下面谈谈这三个阶段辞书编纂的基本情况。
After the founding of New China, the cause of lexicography has been leaps and bounds by leaps and bounds, dictionaries compiled thriving in the ascendant. According to the statistics of relevant departments in the five years from 1900 to 1949, 320 dictionaries were published. During the four years from 1949 to 1989, 3971 kinds of dictionaries were published, and 2,700 kinds of dictionaries have entered the compilation stage and are in progress. In the 40 years since the founding of New China, the compilation of dictionaries has greatly surpassed the 50 years of old China both in number and quality. (I) The compilation of dictionaries in the past 40 years can be roughly divided into three stages: before the liberation of the “Cultural Revolution”, in the “Cultural Revolution” and after the “Cultural Revolution”. Here to talk about the three stages of dictionary compilation of the basic situation.