Clams taste delicious, but the cleaning of clams in the sand is not easy. Here are a few ways to let the clam spit silt simple and easy, may wish to try. Soak in sesame oil brine If time allows, use scented oil and salt water to soak clams. Water temperature is best maintained at 20 ℃ up and down, if tap water directly, the water temperature is low, clams do not love mouth. With this method soak 2 to 3 hours, clams will spit a lot of sediment. Swing back and forth to find a larger, covered pots, the clams into it, pour a little water, can not pass, and then shaking the container by hand, the force should not be too large, otherwise the clams shell will Broken. Shake two minutes later, the clam dizzy, will spit a lot of sediment, washed with water and then shake, repeated almost 3 times. Cheuk water This is the most direct and most complete removal of clams mud