金银花,又名银花,属忍冬科忍冬丛生植物。盛花季节,先是白似银,其后黄如金,黄白相映,故“金银花”由此得名。 金银花在医学上有很高的药用价值。其性味甘寒,具有清热解毒之功。夏季,以金银花制成凉茶饮用,可以预防中暑、感冒及肠道传染病。用单味金银花蒸馏提取的“金银花露”,还能防治疮疥。金银花是国内外供不应求的畅销药材。
Honeysuckle, also known as silver flower, is a honeysuckle winter honeysuckle plants. Blossom season, first white like silver, then yellow as gold, yellow and white phase, so “honeysuckle” hence its name. Honeysuckle in medicine has a high medicinal value. Its sweet and cold, with Qingrejiedu power. Summer, made of honeysuckle drink herbal tea, can prevent heat stroke, flu and intestinal infectious diseases. With a single honeysuckle distillation of the extract of honeysuckle, but also prevent sore 疥. Honeysuckle is the best-selling medicine at home and abroad in short supply.