美国能源信息署(EIA)发布报告,截至2013年1月1日,美国共拥有143座在用炼油厂,总的原油常压蒸馏能力为1.78×107 bbl/d(1bbl≈159L),与2012年1月1日的统计数据相比增加了5×105 bbl/d(2.9%)。能力的增加主要基于Motiva公司得克萨斯州阿瑟港炼油厂的扩能,以及由德尔塔航空公司的子公司Monroe能源公司拥有的宾夕法尼亚州Trainer炼油厂的重新启
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a report that as of January 1, 2013, the United States has a total of 143 oil refineries operating at a total crude oil distillation capacity of 1.78 × 107 bbl / d (1bbl≈159L), and 2012 Statistics for January 1 increased by 5 × 10 5 bbl / d (2.9%). The increase is based on the expansion of Motiva’s Port Arthur refinery in Texas and the restart of the Trainer refinery in Pennsylvania owned by Delta Air Lines subsidiary Monroe Energy