一、深沪大盘与市场热点 国庆节后的深、沪股市未能摆脱阴跌格局,10月大盘四个星期收了三根中阴线。继九月大跌85点之后,本月上证综指再下一城,空头将1500点的多头防线一举功破,收报于1507.5点,跌幅4.69%。深圳综指由于未有新股上市,表现更弱,跌幅超过上海,达4.99%。成交量方面,若剔除中国联通的交易量,本月两市成交金额再创新低,而指数却并未出现“地量地价”的情况。在大盘不断下跌过程中,最令多头忧郁的并不是指数已将6月24日的跳空缺口完全回补,也不是成交量的持续低迷,而是大盘的下跌是以阴跌方式展开,下跌空间和时间都让人难以把握。而且,在大盘阴跌的过程中,成交量也出现了“涨时
First, the Shenzhen and Shanghai markets and hot markets after the National Day deep, the Shanghai stock market failed to get out of the Yindie pattern, the tape in October four weeks closed three Yinxian. Following the sharp plunge of 85 points in September, the Shanghai Composite Index hit another city this month, with a bearish long-term defense at 1,500 points to close at 1507.5 points, down 4.69%. Shenzhen Composite Index lost 4.99% due to the absence of any IPO. Volume, excluding China Unicom’s trading volume, the two cities this month, a new record low turnover, while the index did not appear “ground premium” situation. In the continuous decline in the broader market, the most long-term depression is not the index has been June 24 gap completely covered, nor is the volume of the downturn, but the broader market’s decline is down Yinzhao way, down Space and time are hard to grasp. Moreover, the broader market Yindie process, the volume also appeared "up