美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大市现正为举办1996年的世界奥林匹克运动会呈现一片繁忙的景象。这届奥运会将接待来自世界各地的2万名运动员,170万名观众,1.5万名记者,5000名政府官员和5000名家属,是历届奥运会中规模最大的一次。 1992年12月,笔者随邮电部代表团访问了亚特兰大奥运会技术委员会高级技术顾问斯奈林先生,他介绍了科技在奥运会的情况。他告诉我们:把1996年奥运会争取到亚特兰大召开,科学技术起了关键的作用;举办这届运动会,科技将扮演十分重要的角色;而奥运会
The city of Atlanta, Georgia, USA is presenting a busy scene for hosting the 1996 World Olympic Games. This Olympic Games will host 20,000 athletes, 1.7 million spectators, 15,000 reporters, 5,000 government officials and 5,000 family members from all over the world. It is the largest ever Olympic Games. In December 1992, the author visited Mr. Snelling, senior technical adviser of the Atlanta Olympic Games Technical Committee with the delegation of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. He introduced the situation of science and technology in the Olympic Games. He told us that science and technology have played a key role in winning the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta; for this session of the Games, science and technology will play a very important role; and the Olympic Games