宝巾(Bougainvillea glabra)又名三角梅、九重葛,属紫茉莉科叶子花属。宝巾花品种多,花枝繁茂,花形奇特,花色鲜艳,加上花期长,病虫害少而深得人们的喜爱。1982年被江门市选定为市花,并被广泛引种及繁殖,至今已收集了15个品种。所栽植的品种有:单瓣花(紫色、黄色、白色、大红、粉、浅紫);重瓣花(红色、粉红、黄);斑叶花(金心红白双色花、金边白花、金边红花、金边紫花、银边红花、银边紫花)。其中以红花重瓣及紫花单瓣居多。宝巾性喜温暖湿润环境,要求强光照,择土不严,生长强健。但如果日照不足或土质过肥则往往不易开花,所以栽植时我们选择了阳光充足,通风、排水良好的白水带公园花卉场。由于地栽易引起枝条徒长不开花,故主要为盆栽宝巾花。
Bougainvillea glabra (Bougainvillea glabra), also known as Bougainvillea, Bougainvillea, is a branch of Mirabilis genus. Baohua variety of flowers, lush flowery, flower-shaped peculiar, brightly colored, with long flowering period, fewer pests and won the people’s favorite. In 1982, Jiangmen City was selected as the city flower, and was widely introduced and breeding, so far has collected 15 varieties. The planted varieties are: single petal flowers (purple, yellow, white, red, pink, light purple); double flower (red, pink, yellow) , Phnom Penh purple, silver edge safflower, silver edge purple). Among them, the majority of safflower single petals and purple single flowers. Po warm towel warm sexual environment, requiring strong light, soil selection is not strict, strong growth. However, if the sun is not enough or the soil is too fat, it is often difficult to flowering, so when planting we choose a sunny, well ventilated, well-drained white water park flower field. As the planted plants easily lead to unfruitful branches not flowering, it is mainly for potted flowers.