
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luck_mike
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调查表明,目前农村幼儿园的教育工作结合农村实际较差,照搬城市一套的现象十分严重。农村幼儿教育片面“城市化”现象有多方面的表现。如在管理方面,许多农村幼儿园(班)脱离农村实际,从房舍设备到人员编制,从教学计划到生活制度,全部照搬照抄城市幼儿园的现象相当普遍。新建幼儿园尤甚。教学方面,农村幼儿园盛行“模拟课”,即派教师到城市幼儿园听课,然后按照听课的教案,利用本班幼儿模拟教学,并推广给其他教师,其他教师再去仿效。由于农村和城市的具体条件不同,农村幼儿与城市幼儿的情况不同,“模拟课”很难成功。有些教师由于素质差,学得不三不四,甚至跟着别人读错别字,解释错词语,闹出不少笑话。这种片面追求“城市化”、生搬硬套的做法,忽视了农村的地方特色和经济能力,把出发点很好的参观学习、教研活动搞得不伦不类,把农村幼教引向了歧途。 The survey shows that at present, the education in rural kindergartens is actually poor in combination with that in rural areas, and the phenomenon of copying a set of cities is very serious. One-sided “urbanization” of early childhood education in rural areas has many manifestations. As far as management is concerned, many rural kindergartens (classes) deviate from the reality in rural areas. From the premises equipment to staffing, from teaching plans to living systems, it is quite common to copy and copy all kindergartens in urban areas. New kindergartens especially. Teaching, rural kindergarten popular “analog lesson”, that is, to send teachers to urban kindergarten to attend classes, and then follow the lessons lesson plans, the use of children’s early childhood simulation teaching, and to promote to other teachers, other teachers to follow suit. Due to the specific conditions in rural and urban areas, the situation of young children in rural areas and urban children is different, “simulated class” is difficult to succeed. Some teachers, due to their poor qualities, have learned a lot from their mistakes and even misread other words, explaining wrong words and making a lot of jokes. This one-sided pursuit of “urbanization” has taken a rigid approach. It ignores the local features and economic capabilities in rural areas. It makes the starting point of a good visit to study, teaching and research activities all-encompassing and misleading rural preschool education.
星期六下午,我要去少年宫参加毛笔书法兴趣班。可是吃完午饭,我怎么也找不到老师布置我们练字的本子了。我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,妈妈也帮着我在家里找得团团转。反正再 On Sa
1.前言 多年来,对于建造圆形混凝土水池,后 张予应力是一种公认具有许多优点的令人满 意的方法。圆筒仓筒壁所受的主要荷载与水 池相似,都是在任意高度上作用着垂直于壁 面
我们应该让孩子有享受吃饭的感觉,而不是把吃饭当成吃药那样痛苦。孩子吃饭不是一天两天的事,是一辈子的事,一定要让孩子知道吃饭是件快乐的事。    说起喂养,很多家长觉得就是给孩子每天做很多顿饭,孩子吃得越多越好,或者吃的东西越贵越好。很多父母还特别希望我们医生能给一个特别精确的指导,比如多大的孩子应该吃几次饭,每次吃多少种类,每个种类吃多少……我总是在跟家长说:我们是在养孩子,不是养机器。而实际上,
对幼儿进行记忆能力训练,除了按我们安排的程序化教材,循序渐进地进行训练外,家长还可以注意以下的训练技巧: 一、让幼儿愉快地开始记忆训练: 记忆活动是人类的一项强度较大