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话说那梁山集团在各业市场上已是多头出击,四面开花,终年捷报不断。但据公孙胜夜观天象,却见那象征企业整体概念的法人星座呈现一团迷茫。又打坐半日后卜得一卦,见卦签上说:喧宾夺主,核心不明;拨云见日,海晏河清。遂携签找到吴用嘀咕半日,又连夜找到宋江、卢俊义汇报,终于次日做出决定:拟寻找集团品牌代言人,统一整合传播企业形象。这话题就转到了由谁作为品牌代言人的问题上。一时提案不断,各有道理。有的说阮氏三雄比较合适,代表了800里水泊的最天然形象;有的说光是老爷们不行,怎么也得加上个顾大嫂在船头手捧荷花呀;有的说不要将眼光只放在集团内部嘛,京城的,啊,李师师怎么样?有的说切,那李什么绯闻太多了,无数企业找明星的教训还不够深吗?还有人说,其实 Saying that Liangshan Group has long been in various sectors of the market attack, surrounded by flowering, all the yearning. However, according to Gongsun Sheng night vision, but saw the corporate identity of the overall concept of a corporate confusion showing a mass of confusion. After a half day meditation and a boast of a dig, see Gua signed on: overwhelming, the core is unknown; cloud see the day, Haiyan River clear. Then portrayed to find Wu whispered half a day, and night to find Song Jiang, Lu Junyi report, and finally make the decision the next day: intends to find the group brand ambassador, unified integration and dissemination of corporate image. This topic is turned to by whom as a brand spokesperson on the issue. Proposals have been made for a long time, each with its own merits. Some say Nguyen Thi and more appropriate to represent the most natural image of the water in 800; some say that the light is not the elders, how can we add a Gu in the bow holding the lotus ah; some say not to Just look inside the group thing, the capital, ah, what about the division of Li? Some say that cut, that Lee what gossip too much, countless companies looking for stars lesson is not deep enough? Some people say that in fact
一、简介 近年来人们已把外加剂当成混凝土的第五种材料(混凝土是由水泥、砂、石、水四种材材组成),它应用于混凝土,在建筑中起着重要的作用,它可应用被洪水等灾害造成铁路于
早就听董事长说,他们这一批EMBA 班老师上课非常好。老师不是照本宣科,灌输些知识,而是通过讲故事、讲案例启发大家的思维。下一课是根据大家反映目前企业普遍面临第二轮创