2004年,中国国家博物馆收藏了一张宣统元年(1909年) 上海高等实业学堂的毕业证书。证书的主人是清政府派往美国留学的中国第一代留美幼童梁普照之子梁启英,捐赠者是77 岁的老人、梁普照之孙——中国航空工业集团科技委的离休研究员梁赞勋。在这张晚清学堂的毕业证书一边,以朱笔题写的是光绪33年清政府严令学生谨遵朝廷政令的谕旨。在这张证书上,还写有主考官——第一批留美幼童詹天佑的名字,毅然送子赴美留学的梁启英祖父梁焕南的名字,第二批留美幼童梁普照的名字,以及他们的后辈——一个充满抱负、决心承继先辈救国宏愿的青年梁启英的名字。在这张承载着浓浓历史气息毕业文凭背后,记录了一个留美幼童和他的后代感人至深的“平凡”经历。
In 2004, the National Museum of China collected a diploma from Shanghai Advanced Industrial School in the first year of Xuantong (1909). The owner of the certificate is Liang Qiying, the son of Liang Puzhao, the first Chinese child of Chinese diplomacy who has studied in the United States. The donor is 77-year-old and Liang Zunzhao, the retired researcher of China Aviation Industry Corporation Science and Technology Committee, Liang Zhaoxun. In this late Qing school graduation certificate side to Zhu Pen wrote is the Guangxu 33 years the Qing government strictly obeying the court imperial decree. In this certificate, also wrote the examiner - the first batch of young Americans Zhan Tianyou's name, decided to send the United States to study in the United States Liang Qiying grandfather Liang Hwan Nam's name, the second batch of young children Leong Pu Zhao's name, and their A younger generation full of ambitions and determined to inherit the wishes of our ancestors to save the nation Liang Qiying's name. Behind this graduation diploma bearing a rich historical record, a “trivial” experience recorded by a young American child and his descendants is recorded.