On the Application of Full Spectrum Teaching Method in Office Oral English in Higher Vocational Coll

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  【Abstract】Vocational teaching reform plays a very important role in deepening the reform of higher education. However, most of the present graduates have high scores but low ability, and lack of related professional quality for the target position. To narrow the gap between learning and application, it’s urgent to adopt a kind of advanced teaching approach by combining the characteristics of students with rules of talents development.
  【Key words】FST method; Higher Vocational College; OE; office
  1. Introduction
  Vocational teaching reform is a very important part in deepening the reform of higher education, of which the reform of English teaching is the most difficult, far-reaching and significant one, especially the OE since the talents of communication is becoming more and more important in the opening world. But under the Chinese exam-oriented educational background, the cultivation of OE application ability is insufficient apparently especially in the ability that is related to profession. The higher requirement of students’ professional ability requires new and effective OE teaching method to adapt to.
  2. The Definition of FST
  The word “spectrum” comes from the Project Spectrum which was researched by a Harvard University professor named Howard Gardner and his group members. Full Spectrum Teaching was put forward formally by Peking University Resource College in 2010.
  2.1 In the process of FST teaching, comprehensively build the real scene of office and operation of the enterprise; at the same time equip the schools with advanced facilities that are integrated with the industry. So that the students can fully exercise the practical skills while learning theory knowledge. Similarly, in the students’ management system, absorb the essence of the modern enterprise management system. Therefore, in the study life of university, students can not only gain the professional knowledge and practical skills, but also cultivate the professional quality.
  2.2 Under the background of the 12th five-year plan, China is experiencing the transformation of the pattern of economic development and the adjustment of economic structure. So the industry’s demand for talents is also changing with the times. The schools should have clear teaching targets by setting the specific training model and designing the certain courses according to the demands to fit the goal of cultivating application-oriented talents.
  2.3 FST mode applies the “TEKH” (technology, emotion, knowledge, habit) value concept of talent training in the students’ cultivation. It focuses on the knowledge training, yet pays more attention to the cultivation of emotional intelligence and habits. At present, the enterprises require the talents not only have enough professional knowledge and skills, but also must have highly comprehensive qualities, such as communicating skills, team cooperation ability, anti-pressure ability and so on.   3. Characteristics of Full Spectrum Teaching
  FST is developed on the basis of the Situational Teaching Approach and the Case-based teaching which both have their limitations respectively. Then, the FST method was born. It is not a kind of specific teaching method; it is at the core of autonomy, cooperation and inquiry teaching.
  3.1 The design is open.
  The traditional instructional design is based on a certain knowledge point or a knowledge frame. This kind of closed teaching design resulted in rigid learning goals, static content, and mechanical learning programs, which greatly affect the effective generation of the knoawledge. In the designing process of FST, we always adhere to the principal of openness: teachers’ open thinking and mentality is the premise, the open goal and content is the key, and the open methods and procedures is the guarantee. It is this moderately open teaching design that sets the teaching system in a very stable state, maintaining the liveness of the teaching and giving its potential a better development.
  3.2 The content is generative.
  The teaching design of the FST adheres to the principals of openness and is full of elasticity and tension. The teachers will consider the various possibilities when they are doing the teaching design. But a real educational process will be much more vivid and richer than scheduled. So no matter how elaborate the presuppose is, there will be a lot of unexpected. The reason is that the objects of education are students who are a group of living human beings and have their own knowledge, experience, thinking, inspiration, interests, needs and etc. The teachers who use the FST have a panoramic view, so they don’t need to stipulate and restrict students stiffly with the preset content. They can give full play to the teaching wit, meanwhile sharply capture all kinds of valuable information that is generated in the classroom teaching.
  3.3 The process is adaptable.
  In FST, the teacher’s choice of teaching elements, expression of interpretation, speed of program arrangement and teaching should be adapted to the students’ original cognitive structure, existing ability of understanding and accepting. Although the content organization of the teaching material has a much rigorous and logical structure, teachers do not set the teaching material sorting as the guidelines any more.
  If the teachers can organize the teaching activities according to the students’ cognitive regularity and psychological will in a natural, humanistic way, it can help students learn more happily. The FST requires teachers to respect the natural process of the class. They are going to give students enough time to feel the stimulation of scenario, let them approach the experience patiently and calmly, as well as explore the mysteries of knowledge by themselves.
【摘要】英语绘本给小学英语阅读教学带来了新的变化。将英语绘本应用于小学英语阅读教学中,不仅能提升学生学习的兴趣,还能提升学生学习的效率。文章分析了英语绘本的特点,提出了相应的教学策略。  【关键词】小学英语;英语绘本;教学策略  【作者简介】王敏,安徽省淮南市田家庵区第五小学。  小学英语新课程标准指出,小学英语教学应以激发和培养学生的英语学习兴趣为主要目标,使学生通过英语教师的教学活动具备初步的
【摘要】阅读理解在高中英语教学中占据重要位置,阅读理解是限制学生英语成绩提升的一大阻碍。目前,在我国高中英语教学中,阅读理解仍然让很多学生感到无从下手,影响了学生英语水平。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读理解;问题;策略  【作者简介】刘慧,内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司第三中学。  随着经济全球化进程,人们对人才的要求越来越高,高素质人才除了具备专业知识外,还应当具备英语能力。制约我国高中生英语能力提
课堂提问作为课堂教学的重要环节,一直是语言教学关注的焦点。它包括师问生答,生问师答,生问生答三大模式。传统的课堂更多是师问生答的模式。亚里士多德说:“思维自疑问和惊奇开始。”这就是说,质疑是思维的导火索,是学生学习的内动力,它能使学生的求知欲由潜在状态转入活跃状态。所以培养学生“提问意识”,使其乐于提问,就显得特别重要。  由于我国的中小学英语教学缺少自然习得语言的社会环境,听的输入渠道显得不够宽
【摘要】英语是一门语言学科,听、说、读、写能力是每个学生必须要掌握的基本能力。然而,就目前小学高年级英语教学情况来看,大多数英语教师将教学重点放在对学生“读”和“写”能力的培养上,而听说教学没有得到应有的重视,还存在诸多问题。素质教育背景下,英语教师要对此予以重视,找到当前听说教学的低效的原因并采取针对性的解决措施,帮助小学生正确听英语,正确说英语,以此提升学生的听说能力。  【关键词】小学;高年
在高中英语学习任务繁重的现状下,教师更要重视课堂教学效率,把课堂45分钟的效率发挥到极致才是上策。为此,教师要立足课改,借鉴好的经验和良策,优化教学,从教学手段,教学内容和教学提问策略等方面入手,优化课堂教学方法。  一、巧用教学媒体,优化教学资源  利用现代科技,把多媒体巧妙运用于高中英语课堂教学中,用多媒体课件呈现色彩鲜艳的图像,把抽象的单词学习和具体的画面结合起来,利用直观、形象和逼真的特点
【摘要】涉华英语新闻报道主要呈现题材广泛、固有模式等特点,在进行涉华英语新闻报道翻译时句子和词汇的过程中要妥善处理,始终捍卫政治立场与国家根本利益。现文章主要针对涉华英语新闻报道及翻译进行研究。  【关键词】涉华新闻;英语新闻;英语报道  【作者简介】曾屹君(1984.03-),女,汉族,河南开封人,硕士研究生,海南外国语职业学院国际商务系,副教授,研究方向:英语教学及翻译研究。  【基金项目】从
【摘要】随着教育的深化改革,新课标对于高校的公共英语的教学方法提出了新的要求。在信息化的今天,为了使得高校培养的学生满足社会发展的需要,需要在高校进行教学改革,使得基于任务驱动的教学理念能够深入各个高校,为国家培养出全面发展的复合型人才。  【关键词】公共英语;教学改革备;任务驱动;复合型人才  【作者简介】王丽清(1971-),女,汉族,内蒙古人,河套学院,本科,副教授,研究方向:英语教学。  
【摘要】英语教材的几番改革和更新后,阅读文本的体裁變化给英语阅读教学提出了新的课题。固守在“句型与词汇”下的教学方式已经不适用于新课程,新教材的目标要求,为了更好地对文本内涵的进行解读,对学生思维品质的进行锻造,本文就此在阅读教学中,侧重挖掘阅读的纵向深度,拓展阅读的横向广度,升华阅读主题的灵魂三个方面结合教学实例做了一些粗浅的探讨。  【关键词】教学模式;阅读教学;思维品质  【作者简介】胡雪敏
【摘要】在当今的小学英语教学中,越来越多的老师会采用绘本教学的方式来进行课堂教学。在这种教学模式下,能够使学生的思维被打开,从某一方面来说能够激发学生的情感。这些回本往往拥有图文并茂的特点,学生能够在此基础上有效的加强相关能力,对英语课堂的教学质量也有一定的提高。  【关键词】小学英语 绘本教学 辅助教学  从目前的小学教学环境来看,虽然整体的教学体系在不断的完善,但是其中的弊端也在体现出来。我们