Brief Analysis of Ergative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese ——From the Perspective of Functional G

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  【Abstract】Basing on the traditional interpreting mode—transitive analysis, Halliday put forward the ergative analysis. Different from transitive analysis which focuses on the extension, ergative analysis interprets the meaning of clause from a new perspective: whether there’s an outer causation in the process . Through contrast analysis between transitivity and ergativity, this paper provides main concepts of ergativity theories and differences between them. Though Chinese is not considered as a typical “ergative language”, there are lots of ergative constructions in mandarin Chinese which cannot be explained properly by transitive analysis mode. Therefore, basing on certain ergativity theories, this paper mainly focus on analyzing those ergative constructions in mandarin Chinese from the perspective of functional grammar.
  【Key words】ergativity; transitivity; ergative analysis; ergative constructions; mandarin Chinese
  Chapter 1 Introduction
  According to functional linguist Halliday, there are two modes of interpreting people’s experiential world : transitive and ergative mode. Different from transitive analysis, ergative analysis doesn’t focus on whether the process extends to some other entity; however, it tries to probe the causation of a process and make clear that’s an inner causation or an outer one. Halliday takes the two modes as two totally different ones, but they could complement each other. (Halliday, 2004:282). And Wang huiping thinks that using the two modes together could help us make a more effective understanding of the texture(王惠萍,2006).From the ergative point of view, every clause is consisted of the Medium, the Process, and the optional Agent, which constructs the nucleus of a clause. It pays attention to how the act in a clause happens, being caused by inner reasons or outer force.
  Chapter 2 Main Concepts of Ergativity in Functional Grammar
  1. Ergative Verbs
  In linguistics, ergative verbs are also called non-accusative verbs, which can be either transitive or intransitive, and whose subject when intransitive corresponds to the direct object when transitive.By contrast, with an ergative verb the role of the subject changes, for example:   (1) a.George shattered the mirror .(S V O)
  b.The mirror shattered .(S V)
  c. 喬治打碎了镜子。(S V O)
  d. 镜子打碎了。(S V)
  2. Medium And Agent
  The subject of the above sentence (a) is “George”, while “the mirror” is the subject of sentence (b). So “the mirror” is the object in sentence (a) but is the subject in sentence (b). However, the two sentences almost express the same meaning and use the same verb “shattered”. The difference between the two sentences is not that whether there’s an outer participant “George”, but the function of that participant. It is clear that, “George” in sentence (a) is an outer participant and it causes the process.
  From the analysis of example sentences above, we could suppose that, in ergative system, there is at least one main participant in a process, through which the process is actualized, and without which there would be no process at all. Halliday calls that element the Medium. The Process and the Medium together form the nucleus of a clause; and the nucleus then determines the range of options that are available to the rest of the clause. Except the medium, there may exist another participant which is described as an outer element, that is the Agent. If the process is a spontaneous one, there will not exist an agent; however, if the process is caused by an outer entity, there must exist an agent.
  3. Comparison With the Transitive System
  2.3.1 The Transitive Analysis
  Transitivity is a semantic system, happenings of people in the real world could be divided into several processes, in which there are relevant “participants” and “circumstances”.
  The process of doing or happening is a material process, in which the process is expressed by dynamic verbs, nouns or pronouns are used to express the actor (logical subject) and the goal (logical direct object);The process of feeling, thinking and perceiving is a kind of mental process. There are two main participants in a mental process: one is the Senser (conscious being that is feeling, thinking or perceiving), the other is the Phenomenon (which is sensed). The analysis of transitive clauses mainly focus on types of the process as well as participants and circumstances involved in the process. For example:
  (2) a.He broke the vase. (他打碎了花瓶。)
  b.The vase broke. (这花瓶碎了。)
  2.3.2 The Ergative analysis
  As a name of a kind of grammatical case, ergativity means the form of the “agent” or the outer causation in a clause. Let’s still analyze the example clauses above. In the first clause, the act is “broke”, what is broken is “the vase”, and the outer causation of the act is the agent “he”. Meanwhile, “the vase” is also the subject of the clause (b), which is called an ergative subject. This kind of linguistic phenomenon, in which the same element could be placed in the subjective position as well as the objective position, is called “ergative phenomenon”.   Contrast with the transitive analysis, what the ergative analysis investigates is that the causation of the act is an inner one or an outer one. ( 胡壮麟等 2005: 93; 席建国、陈建平、喻旭燕2010: 20-23) In the example above, the act “broke” in example (a) has an obvious outer causation, that is the agent “he”; however, it’s hard to find the causation in example (b), we do not know the act “broke” is caused by either human factors or other factors. According to ergative analysis, “the vase” in the above two examples has the same function, that is it’s the medium through which the act “broke” is actualized.
  Chapter 3 Ergative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese
  1. Ergative Constructions
  Briefly speaking, “ergativity” means a kind linguistic phenomenon that the transitive clause’s object and the corresponding intransitive clause’s subject have the same case. Studies on the ergativity in the linguistic field mainly focus on ergative languages as well as ergative phenomena in non-ergative languages. Though Chinese doesn’t belong to those ergative languages, there exist ergative constructions in it. For example,
  (3) a.老张盖了房子(S V O)——a’房子盖了(S V)
  b.妈妈养大了孩子(S V O)——b’孩子养大了(S V)
  c.李明完成了作业(S V O)——c’ 作业完成了(S V)
  Example sentences (a’)—(c’) share the similarity that the subject of each sentence is the patient or object. However, sentences a’-c’ neither have the marker of passive voice nor have corresponding passive constructions. Therefore, sentences like a’, b’ and c’ are called ergative constructions.
  2. Functional Analysis
  Halliday (1994/2000) takes the ergative analysis as the complement of transitive analysis. Transitive analysis strictly distinguish the “actor” from the “goal”, focuses on that whether the process extends to other certain entity except the actor itself. While the ergative analysis emphasizes the spontaneity or causation, that is the process is caused by the participant or other certain entity. For example,
  (4) transitive clause: a. 他在阅读。
  b. 他在阅读报纸。
  (5) ergative clause: a. 眼睛闭上了。
  b. 她闭上了眼睛。
  The two transitive clauses in example (7) both have the meaning that “他阅读”,the process of clause (b) extends to “报纸”, but the process of clause (a) doesn’t. The two ergative clauses in example (8)both involve the meaning that “眼睛闭上”,in clause (a) “眼睛” close spontaneously while the process in clause (b) has an outer causation.
  Medium is the indispensable element of each ergative constructions, without which the process cannot exist. In addition, there may exist another optional participant which is regarded as the outer causation, that is the agent. If the process happens spontaneously, there is no independent agent. In contrast, if the process is caused by other certain entity, there will exist an agent. Therefor, clauses like “花瓶打碎”,“孩子養大”and “眼睛闭上”all have the same structure : Medium Process.   Chapter4 Conclusion
  According to the analysis above we could conclude that, traditional textual analysis is mainly transitive analysis; however, transitive analysis sometimes cannot completely interpret certain deep meanings. As an useful complement to transitive analysis, ergative analysis have advantages of analyzing deep meanings of certain constructions. Though the two modes complement each other, ergative analysis are more appropriate for some constructions in mandarin Chinese, and we could directly call them ergative constructions. The application of ergative analysis in mandarin Chinese could more properly and completely show the ideational function of the Chinese language.
  [1]Dixon.R.1979.Ergativity[J].Language 55:59-138.
  [2]Halliday,M.A.K.:An Introduction Functional Grammar[M],revised by C.M.I.M.Matthiessen London:Edward Arnold,2004).
  [3]Perlmutter.D.1978.Impersonal passives and unaccusative hypothesis[J].Berkely Inguistics Society 4:157-189.
【摘要】针对学困生的英语教学应当发挥提问的重要价值。着力完善学困生英语提问方式,丰富提问的内容,合理的控制提问难度,从而达到调动学困生积极性,通过提问促进学困生参与英语课堂学习活动的目标。  【关键词】提问;学困生;策略分析  【作者简介】董博,山大附中实验学校。  提问是提高英语教学效率,调动学生主动性的重要手段。教师应当针对学困生情况采用針对性的教学方法,在积极调动学困生兴趣的基础上实现英语教
【摘要】兴趣是学好英语的关键。从而想要学生学好英语,就需要激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。一旦学生对教学内容产生了兴趣,他们就极有可能积极主动学习该内容。从而为了让学生养成自主学习的习惯,就需要教师科学合理的利用教学方法,以便培养和激发学生的学习兴趣。本文以英语教学为例,探究了如何培养学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】初中英语教学;师生关系;学习兴趣;自学能力  引言  在传统的英语教学环境中,教师常常
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【摘要】在全球化发展的今天,英语成为立足于社会所不可或缺的一项技能,中职院校旨在于培养学生的专业技能和就业能力,于是英语教学在中职院校中占据越来越重要的地位。时态语法是英语中最重要的组成部分,同时也是中职英语教学中的一项难点,在这种形势下,提高时态语法的教学有效性成为当前广大英语教师所面临的一项难题。  【关键词】中职英语;时态语法;有效教学策略  随着我国对外开放的不断深入,英语能力已经成为当前
【摘要】随着我国市场经济的转型以及世界经济一体化格局的形成,人才市场对人才的要求越来越高。因此,中职教育更应该强调为未来社会培养具有专业知识和技能人才的教学原则。本文结合中职英语教学的特征,探讨了提高中职学生英语交际能力的有效策略,有利于全面提高学生的综合素质,提高学生的社会竞争力。  【关键词】提高;学生英语;交际能力  【作者简介】牛轶,山西省晋中市卫生学校。  随着全球经济一体化格局的形成,
【摘要】通过对我国EFL教育和加拿大的ESL教育在学习环境方面、学习动机方面、教学评价以及教学内容和方法等相关方面的一些共性和差异进行对比研究来探讨当前我国EFL教育方法之中存在的一些不足之处。并且对当前我国一些英语教师教学和学生对英语进行学习的特点和现状进行一定的分析,在此基础之上提出一些作者自以为有效的外语教学理论和方法改进的手段。  【关键词】ESL;EFL;中国特殊;外语学习;外语教育  
【摘要】文化负载词这种特殊的词汇承载着某个民族特有的风土人情文化内涵,是民族文明的标签,在文化交流中有着不可或缺的作用。但文化负载词特有的社会文化内涵也使得其外译成为一种对译者的挑战,常见的一些翻译策略无法将原文中的信息完全转移到译文之中。随着全球化促进各民族文化的相互交融,网络信息技术的普及,人们受教育程度普遍提升,翻译过程中文化负载词的处理可以采用一种新的策略——借用而非翻译。  【关键词】文