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【案件启示】广西“糊涂新娘”案件中阮某构成强奸罪。自案发以来引起了社会的广泛关注,一方面是因为案件本身“嫁对郎上错床”的离奇,更为关注的在于行为人究竟是该承担道德的指责还是法律的制裁,被害人黄某只能自认倒霉还是得到法律的保护。如何对本案的性行为进行定性?如何解决如上争议?一方面,在我国现阶段的刑法体系中,由于被害人承诺并没有被纳为法定的正当行为是由,较为可行的不是直接在刑法体系中加以规定,而是需要加强学术探讨,汲取大陆法系和英美法系中对被害人承诺规定的养分,结合本文的具体案件加以讨论。另一方面,现行刑法对强奸罪的行为模式“以暴力、胁迫或其他手段”中的“其他手段”并没有明确规定,也增加了对本案行为定性的难度。本文将结合通论以及相关的司法解释,抽丝剥茧,证明本案阮某构成强奸罪,应当以强奸罪定罪处罚。 [Case suggestion] Guangxi “confused bride ” case, Ruanmou constitute rape. Since the incident has aroused widespread concern in the community, on the one hand because of the case itself, “married to the wrong bed,” the bizarre, more concerned about whether the perpetrator of moral or legal sanctions, the victims Hwang can only be considered unlucky or get the protection of the law. On the one hand, in the current criminal law system in our country, because the victim’s promise has not been accepted as a statutory justification, it is more feasible to go directly to the criminal law system However, it is necessary to strengthen academic discussion, draw lessons from the provisions of the civil law system and Anglo-American legal system on the commitment of victims, and discuss the specific cases of this article. On the other hand, the current criminal law does not clearly stipulate the “other means” of “rape, intimidation or other means” of rape as an act of rape. It also increases the difficulty of defining the nature of the case. This article will be combined with the general theory and related judicial interpretation, exorcising, proving the case Ruanmou constitute rape, conviction and punishment should be rape.
中国民歌源远流长 ,种类繁多 ,而绝大多数民歌为爱情题材。不论是精彩绝伦的歌词 ,还是优美动情的旋律 ,无不闪耀着劳动人民纯朴、真挚的爱情火花 ,放射着璀璨的艺术光芒。我
<正>丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌是一类古老、分布广泛的菌物,能与陆地上80%以上的植物根系建立共生关系,形成共生