武装起义“是革命斗争发展到了最高峰的一种群众武装推翻反动阶级、夺取政权的直接行动。”中国式的革命道路是农村包围城市,武装夺取政权。怎样才能实现这一点呢?这只有依靠在各地武装起义基础上建立的红军来巩固和扩大根据地、深入进行土地革命来完成。 周恩来早在大革命时期,就预导了著名的上海第三次工人武装起义;大革命失败后,他又领导了震惊世界的南昌起义,打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪。以后,他又作为中央军委的领导人,指导了一系列地区的武装起义,并曾代表中央处理过广州起义的善后事宜。在党的六大和延安整风期间,周恩来曾从总结党的历史经验的角度总结过党的历史上许多著名武装起义的经验教训。周恩来关于武装起义的革命实践和理论阐述有着丰富的内容。 本文仅就自己的粗浅理解略述一二。
Armed uprising “is a direct act by which the masses armed with overthrowing the reactionary class and seizing power to the highest level in the revolutionary struggle.” The Chinese-style revolutionary road is that the rural areas encircled the cities and armed forces seized power. How can this be achieved? Only by relying on the Red Army established on the basis of the armed uprisings throughout the country to consolidate and expand the base areas and carry out in-depth the agrarian revolution will they accomplish this. As early as the Great Revolution, Zhou Enlai led the famous third armed uprising in Shanghai. After the failure of the Great Revolution, he led the Nanchang Uprising that shocked the world and started the first armed attack against the Kuomintang reactionaries. Later, as leader of the Central Military Commission, he also directed a series of armed uprisings in the region and once handled the aftermath of the Guangzhou uprising on behalf of the Central Government. During the period of the Sixth Congress of the Party and the rectification of Yan’an, Zhou Enlai summarized the experiences and lessons of many famous armed uprisings in the history of the party from the perspective of summing up the party’s historical experience. Zhou Enlai’s armed practice of the revolutionary uprisings and theoretical expositions are rich in content. This article outlines only one or two of its own superficial understanding.