南北电信尘埃落定、已成往事,中国电信业界似乎可以喘口气消停一下了吧,然而最近发生的一些事儿却搅得中国电信业界再起涟漪,又成了媒体关注的焦点. 5月16日,也就是南北电信公司挂牌那天,广东电信隆重推出“VNET(互联星空)计划”.其内容是,电信提供平台,ICP提供内容,以收费分成的模式来联手开发互联网业务.目前已经与广东电信达成合作协议的包括腾讯、中国游戏中心等民营公司.广东电“,”le Communications Ltd. is the first private-owned company registered with the State Bureau of Industry and Commerce and the only private-owned enterprise under the umbrella of China Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Promotion Commission. Purple Communications Ltd. has announced to acquire the domestically largest independent commercial datacenter - 21 ViaNet China Inc. - by way of stock swap and cash investment. If the acquisition turns out successful, the standing-high-over-the-masses state-owned telecom operators would be its future customers for renting international outbound capacity. The success of the acquisition by Purple Communications Ltd. would signal the entry in a real sense of Chinese private-owned telecom enterprises into the telecom market. Whatever the result might be for the acquisition, the fact that the private-owned enterprise and state-owned enterprise are now competing for acquiring foreign-funded business on the same arena comes naturally as the next highlight of China's telecom sector - private-owned enterprise is on its way, at the speed faster than you can imagine.