天体力学是天文学的一个分支,主要研究太阳系内天体(包括人造天体)的力学运动(恒星运动是星系动力学研究的内容),也是一般力学的内容之一。它是在人们长期观测实践得到的天体视运动规律的基础上,利用数学和力学的成果建立起来的,又反过来促进了数学和力学的发展,并在导航、大地测量、天文历书编算,以及星际航行等部门得到广泛应用。 天体力学的发展过程,大致可以分为三个时期: 1.从牛顿发现万有引力定律(1685)到十九世纪初,是经典天体力学时期。主要研究对象是大行星和月球。研究方法主要是经典分析方法,即由分析动力学原理列出天体的运
Celestial mechanics is a branch of astronomy. It focuses on the mechanics of celestial bodies (including artificial celestial bodies) in the solar system (stellar motion is the content of galactic dynamics) and is also one of the contents of general mechanics. It is established on the basis of the long-term observation of the celestial movement as a result of its practice and is based on the achievements of mathematics and mechanics. In turn, it has promoted the development of mathematics and mechanics. In navigation, geodesy, almanac counting, As well as Star Trek and other departments have been widely used. The development of celestial mechanics can be roughly divided into three periods: 1. From Newton’s discovery of the law of gravity (1685) to the beginning of the nineteenth century, it is a classical celestial mechanics period. The main research object is the planets and the moon. The research method is mainly the classical analysis method, that is, the principle of analytic dynamics lists the transport of celestial bodies