任远,在温州新闻界的圈子里,很少出头露面。他个性忠厚、正直,不善言谈。自从1980年进报社以来,他在自己的岗位上默默无闻地奉献着自己的青春和才智。是金子总会发光,任远以令人信服的成绩获得全省“十佳”新闻工作者称号,报社同仁为之感到欣慰,大家认为任远获此殊荣是当之无愧的。 在温州日报,任远被人公认是属于实干型的人。1980年,任远调入刚刚复刊的《温州日报》,被分配干夜班的校对兼时事编辑。他何尝不想干东奔西走,报上有名、社会上有声的记者,但组织上这样安排,他一声不响服从了。这一干就是十五年,从校对员、时事编辑、版样设计编辑、言论编辑、要闻编辑,直至要闻部副主任,从没离开过编辑的岗位。这
Ren Yuan, in the circles of Wenzhou press, rarely show up. His personality is honest, honest, not talkative. Since his inauguration in 1980, he has been obsessed with his youth and intelligence in his own post. It is gold always shining. Ren Yuan has won the title of “Top Ten” journalists in the province with convincing results. The newspaper colleagues feel relieved that everyone won this award. In Wenzhou Daily, Ren Yuan is widely recognized as a hardcore person. In 1980, Ren Yuan transferred to the just-resumed “Wenzhou Daily”, was assigned night shift proofreading and current affairs editor. Why did he not want to go all out and report to the well-known and socially-acclaimed journalist? However, he did not obey in an organized manner. This stem is fifteen years, from proofreader, current affairs editor, edition design editor, speech editor, news editor, until the deputy director of the Ministry of Information, has never left the post of editor. This