颅内占位性病变引起锥体外系症状,国内文献尚未见报导,现将我们所遇一例报告如下: 患者,男、42岁,住院号140421,汉族,以进行性步履艰难一年,四肢颤抖四个月,于71年7月19日住院。近一年来不明原因地出现双腿酸困、僵硬感,步履艰难,缓慢进展。入院前四月始,四肢抖动,动作笨拙缓慢,系钮扣困难,翻身不灵便。病前及病中无发烧、昏迷史。否认一氧化碳、利血平、酚噻嗪类药物中毒及头外伤史。廿年前在某医院曾诊断为“癲癎”,近十六年来未服抗癫痫药,亦无癲癎发作。家族史无特殊。
Intracranial space-occupying lesions cause extrapyramidal symptoms, the domestic literature has not been reported, now we encounter a report is as follows: The patient, male, 42 years old, hospital 140421, Han, walking hard for one year, trembling limbs Four months, July 19, 71 was hospitalized. Over the past year unexplained legs acid trapped, stiff sense, walking difficult, slow progress. Before the admission four months ago, limbs shaking, slow and clumsy movements, the Department of buttons difficult, stand inconvenience. Pre-illness and disease without fever, coma history. Denied the history of carbon monoxide, reserpine, phenothiazine poisoning and head trauma. Twenty years ago in a hospital was diagnosed as “epilepsy”, nearly 16 years without taking anti-epileptic drugs, nor epileptic seizures. No special family history.