青蟹养殖生产实践中,主要有以下3种病害发生率较高,但只要采取积极预防措施,亦可减少和防止疾病的发生。1 纤毛虫及丝状藻附着综合症 该病可发生于青蟹幼体阶段,也可发生在成体阶段。该病具病程长,累积死亡率高的特点。1.1 病症 发病初期,体表长有黄绿色及棕色绒毛
In the production practice of blue crab farming, there are mainly the following three kinds of diseases, but the incidence of diseases can be reduced and prevented only by taking active preventive measures. Ciliates and filamentous algae attachment syndrome The disease can occur in the crab larvae stage, but also in the adult stage. The disease has a long duration, high cumulative mortality characteristics. 1.1 The early onset of illness, the body surface has yellow-green and brown fluff