Deactivating Metal Particle by Optimizing Insulation Configuration in Spark Gap Switch

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caisilver
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As a new method to protect the spark gap from metal particle contamination,theeffect of the metal inserted insula.tor on the controlling behavior of metal particles was investigatedin a quasi-uniform electric field.Considering that the inserted metal electrodes can decrease theelectric field around the insulator and divert the electrostatic force away from the insulator,themethod can be used to prevent the particles from moving toward the insulator so as to reducethe possibility of a breakdown.The inserted metal electrodes can reverse the direction of theparticles' horizontal motion.A study on the insulator shape indicates that the inserted metalelectrodes can repulse the particle and improve the particle lifting voltage significantly near thevertical surface of the insulator or ribbed insulator.For the insulator with a tilting surface theinserted metal electrodes have little influence on the particle motion.In addition,the size of theinserted electrodes shows a significant,effect on the control of particle motion. As a new method to protect the spark gap from metal particle contamination, the effect of the metal inserted insula .tor on the controlling behavior of metal particles was investigated in a quasi-uniform electric field. Canonsidering that the inserted metal electrodes can decrease the electric field around the insulator and divert the electrostatic force away from the insulator, themethod can be used to prevent the particles from moving toward the insulator so as to reduce the possibility of a breakdown. inserted by metal electrodes can reverse the direction of the particles' horizontal motion. A study on the insulator shape indicates that the inserted metalelectrodes can repulse the particle and improve the particle lifting voltage significantly near the vertical surface of the insulator or ribbed insulator. For the insulator with a tilting surface theinserted metal electrodes have little influence on the particle motion.In addition, the size of the unsserted electrodes shows a significant, effect on t he control of particle motion.
也许是在题海里浸泡得太久,有些浮肿,我披星戴月而归,脸上总是挥不去“疲倦”二字。  打开灯,书桌上一杯热气腾腾的奶茶把小小的房间点缀着格外温馨。我并不奇怪,一点也不,奶茶在
迟浩田(1929-)山东招远人,1993年3月至2003年3月任国防部长。1993年,迟浩田接替秦基伟,出任国防部长。在担任国防部长的10年间,他在军队建设方面建树颇丰,在军队的对 Chi Ha