
来源 :中国纪念馆研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llongll
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思想政治工作对于纪念馆行业管理工作的顺利开展,有着非常重要的作用。创新发展思想政治工作,可以有效提高纪念馆行业职工的思想素养和自身素质,为他们更好地开展工作带来了重要的保障。本文从纪念馆数量、传播内容和教育环境三个方面介绍了纪念馆行业的特殊性质,同时指出了新时期思想政治工作面临的新问题,并从四个方面阐述了有效利用纪念馆工作性质,结合新时期的时代特点创新职工的思想政治工作的具体措施。纪念馆应注重加强单位文化建设,扩大覆盖面,增强影响力,充分发挥单位文化对职工思想政治工作的作用;注重思想政治队伍建设,提高政工人员综合素质,不断充实政工队伍;加强服务意识、提高服务水平,关心职工生活和职业发展,发挥主体地位,畅通诉求渠道,发挥网络管理作用;加强组织人事部门有效管理,形成长效机制,使创新思想政治工作落到实处。压力和动力同在,机遇和挑战共存,只有不断创新思想政治工作,才能为纪念馆行业快速发展保驾护航。 Ideological and political work for the memorial industry management work smoothly, has a very important role. The innovative development of ideological and political work can effectively raise the ideological and moral qualities of workers in the memorial industry and bring them an important guarantee for their better work. This article introduces the special properties of the memorial industry from the aspects of the number of memorials, the content of communication and the educational environment. At the same time, it points out the new problems that the ideological and political work are facing in the new period and elaborates the effective utilization of the memorial hall’s work characteristics from four aspects, The characteristics of the times to innovate the ideological and political work of workers specific measures. The memorial hall should pay attention to strengthening the cultural construction of units, expanding the coverage, enhancing the influence and giving full play to the role of unit culture in the ideological and political work of workers and staffs; paying attention to the building of ideological and political ranks, improving the overall quality of political workers and continuously enriching the contingent of political workers; enhancing service awareness and service enhancement At the same time, we should pay attention to the life and career development of staff and workers, give full play to our dominant position, open channels of appeal and play a network management role. We should strengthen the effective management of personnel departments in the organization and form a long-term mechanism to enable innovative ideological and political work to be implemented. With the same pressure and power, opportunities and challenges coexist. Only by constantly innovating ideological and political work can we escort the rapid development of the memorial industry.
目的:分析社区护理干预对老年高血压患者生活质量的影响.方法:选取72例社区老年高血压患者,按照随机划分法分为干预组与常规组(n =36).干预组采用综合护理干预对策,常规组实
基本建设投资失控是当前建设领域中一个很突出的问题。建设工程概算超估算、预算超概算、结算超预算的“三超”,现象普遍存在。因此,控制工程造价,除了贯穿于建设全过程的管理外,重点应在于工程的前期工作,即投资决策、勘测设计、招标投标和合同签订。  一、工程投资失控的主要原因  工程投资失控的原因很多,其中有合理的因素,也有许多不合理的因素。使工程造价上升的合理因素有设计、施工和物价等费用的上涨以及各种政策
今年4月,由中国国家博物馆承办的“归来——意大利返还中国流失文物展”开幕。这个并没有在艺术行业和媒体内引起过多关注的展览性质特殊,它由中华人民共和国文化和旅游部及国家文物局主办,展出了意大利政府向中国返还的796件中国文物艺术品。  这些文物的时代跨度从新石器时代至民国时期,包括新石器时代彩陶、汉代陶器、唐代骆驼俑、马俑、人物俑等等。从价值上来说,它们并不是最珍贵的文物。但这批流散海外的文物成功“