阿拉伯世界东起波斯湾,西临大西洋,包括了几乎整个西亚和北非地区,面积为1,400万平方公里,人口达1.75亿,现共有21个独立国家和巴勒斯坦地区。由于战略位置重要,富有石油等自然资源,阿拉伯世界在当代国际政治和经济中占有很重要的地位。 本世纪以来,阿拉伯地区流行过多种政治意识形态和社会思潮。了解阿拉伯政治思想的发展演变,对于研究阿拉伯历史的延续和现状的形成都是很有价值的。但由于阿拉伯地区幅
The Arab world east of the Persian Gulf, west of the Atlantic, including almost all of West Asia and North Africa, an area of 1,400 square kilometers, population 175 million, now a total of 21 independent countries and the Palestinian region. Due to its strategic location and rich natural resources such as oil, the Arab world occupies a very important position in contemporary international politics and economy. Since the beginning of this century, there have been many political ideologies and social trends prevailing in the Arab region. Understanding the development and evolution of Arab political thought is of great value for studying the continuation of Arab history and the status quo. However, due to the Arab region