《篮球》杂志记者马冰封,我称之为老马。老马不老,刚刚告别象牙塔。他身上至少有两点我辈难以企及:还在读大学时每月就有二、三千元的稿费收入,典型的“暴发一族”;再就是,他是地地道道的回民,一根火腿肠就能让他四处逃窜,可他却能保持体重70公斤的纪录不败。走近他,发现他的故事还真不少。老马成“饿马” 老马做事从不含糊,他对民族风俗的遵守更是虔诚无比。鉴于此,我们曾断言:老马不适合做记者,记者东奔西跑,四海为家,哪能天下皆清真?此言果然应验,做了记者的他,饱受“吃”
“Basketball” magazine reporter Ma Bingfeng, I call it the horse. Old horse is not old, just say goodbye ivory tower. There are at least two points in my life that I can not get through: there are still two or three thousand yuan of royalties each month while still in college, and the typical “outbreak of clan”; and then, he is an authentic Muslim Ham can make him escape everywhere, but he was able to maintain a record weight of 70 kg undefeated. Approached him and found that his story is really a lot. The old horse into “hungry horse ” old horse doing things never vague, his respect for ethnic customs is even more pious. In view of this, we have asserted that the old horse is not suitable as a journalist and that journalists are running around in circles and going from home to home. How can the world be halal?