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马克思主义哲学从传入中国时起,就存在着如何中国化的问题,也就是马克思主义哲学如何取得中国特色和中国气派,以便与中国革命和建设的实际相结合,从而科学地解决“中国向何处去”这一近代以来的时代中心问题。马克思主义哲学中国化包括了政治层面的中国化和学术层面的中国化。 From the time of its introduction to China, Marxist philosophy has existed on the issue of how to sinicize China, that is, how Marxist philosophy has acquired Chinese characteristics and the style of China so as to combine with the reality of China’s revolution and construction so as to scientifically solve the problem of “ Where to go ”the central issue of the times since the modern era. The sinicization of Marxist philosophy includes the sinicization of the political level and the sinicization of the academic level.