Cytochrome c assay was used to study the changes of SOD-like activity in neutral, positive and negative liposomes of salicylic acid respectively. It was demonstrated that the SOD-like activity of neutral liposome-encapsulated salicylic acid copper was more than three-fold higher than that of copper salicylate in aqueous solution. However, the SOD-like activity of copper salicylate encapsulated by the electropositive liposomes decreased. It was found that in the experimental concentration range, negatively charged liposomes encapsulated salicylic acid copper showed no regular changes in activity and the liposomal copper salicylate encapsulated in the negatively charged liposomes promoted the disproportionation of superoxide radicals. The negatively charged The low amount of liposomes only promoted the disproportionation of superoxide in the low concentration area.