I. INTRODUCTION This article is a continuation of the first two articles, “Length of Line Segments,” and “Area of Polygons,” published in the September and October of this issue respectively. The polyhedron is a closed space graph with simple polygons as faces. The concept of area is similar. The polyhedron’s volume is defined as the positive real-valued function V(A) of the polyhedron A, which satisfies the following two conditions: i) The polyhedral of two contracts When the volume is equal, ie, A≡B, V(A)=V(B); ii) If polyhedron A is split into two polyhedrons B and C, then V(A)=V(B)++V(C) . Fully similar to the polygonal area theory, starting from this definition, we can prove that the polyhedral volume exists. If we further define the volume of the cube whose edge is unit length as 1, then the volume of any polyhedron is still unique. Then, along the path in the middle school geometry textbooks, we can prove many common polyhedral volumetric formulas.