
来源 :中国新生儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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患儿女,1h,因“发现胸廓狭小、气促1h”转入。该患儿为第3胎第3产,胎龄38周,顺产出生,无宫内窘迫史,生后哭声响,无窒息抢救史,发现胸廓明显狭小,伴有气促,偶有呻吟和发绀,无口吐白沫,父母均健康,非近亲结婚,已生有两个男孩(第3产),均健康。入院体查:T36.3℃,R56次/min,P160次/m Children, 1h, due to “found a small chest, shortness of breath 1h” into. The third child was born in the third trimester of birth 38 weeks gestational age was born with no history of intrauterine distress, crying after birth, no asphyxia rescue history and found that the chest was significantly narrow, accompanied by shortness of breath, occasional moaning and cyanosis , No foam at the mouth, both parents are healthy, non-relatives married, has given birth to two boys (3 production), are healthy. Admission physical examination: T36.3 ℃, R56 times / min, P160 times / m
In this study,the propagation of electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional plasmaphotonic crystals(PPCs),namely,superlattice structures consisting alternately o
2008年9月26日至30日,中共中央原政治局委员、中央军委原副主席、原国务委员兼国防部长迟浩田上将在山东省地方党、政、军领导的陪同下到滨州市视察指导工作。 From Septemb
Objective To estimate age-and gender-specific prevalences of ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma (OAG)in adult Latinos.Design Population-b ased,cross-se
To evaluate platelet aggregation in patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO) by the light scattering method and compare the effects of three antiplatelet d ru