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程平市农业广播电视学校成立于1984年。2004年被桂平市人民政府批准在桂平市农业广播电视学校的基础上加挂桂平市农村科技教育培训中心的牌子。近年来,桂平市农业广播学校在市委、市政府的正确领导下,以农广校、各类职业技术学校为阵地,围绕“生态、信息、品牌”三大农生的发展战略,大力开展农村实用技术和农村劳动力转移培训,取得了显著成绩,提高了农民科学文化素质,促进了全市农村经济的快速发展。桂平市农业广播学校自建校以来,累计培训学历生310人。其中大专230人,中专80人。累计培训各类农村实月技求人3000多人,印发各种技术培训资料50万册。一、大力开展实用技术培训学校围绕农业新技术的推广,大力开展农业实用技术培训,确保每户有一个技术明白人,经过培训的每个农民掌握一至两门农业实用技能,每年举办各类技术培训班1000多期,印发各种技术资料8多万份,培训各类人员近10万人次。二、主动抓好绿色证书培训建校以来,学校积极适应农村经济发展,主动抓好绿色证书培训工作。全市共累计举办“绿证”培训班9700多期次,培训农民6万多人,其中已发证5.7万人。 Chengping Agricultural Radio and Television School was established in 1984. In 2004 Guiping Municipal People’s Government approved the Guiping agricultural radio and television school based on the addition of Guiping city of rural science and technology education and training center brand. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, Guiping Agricultural Broadcasting School has taken agriculture, education and various vocational and technical schools as its positions to focus on the development strategy of “three major peasant farming” of “ecology, information and brand” Carrying out rural practical skills and rural labor force transfer training has yielded remarkable achievements, improving farmers’ scientific and cultural qualities and promoting the rapid development of the rural economy in the city. Guiping Agricultural Broadcasting School since its establishment, a total of 310 trained students. One college 230 people, 80 secondary school. Cumulative training of all kinds of rural real technology for more than 3,000 people, issued a variety of technical training materials 500,000. First, vigorously carry out practical technical training schools around the promotion of new agricultural technologies, and vigorously carry out practical agricultural training in agriculture to ensure that each household has a technical understanding, training of each farmer to master one or two agricultural practical skills, held various types of technology each year More than 1,000 training courses, more than 80,000 copies of various kinds of technical information, nearly 100,000 training of all kinds of personnel. Second, take the initiative to do a good job green certificate training Since the establishment of the school, the school actively adapt to rural economic development, take the initiative to do a good job green certificate training. The city held a total of more than 9,700 training courses “green card”, training more than 60,000 peasants, of which 57,000 have been issued.
执行力是决定企业成败的一个重要因素,是构成企业竞争力的重要一环。现代管理学认为,一个成功的企业,30%靠正确的战略,70%靠正确的战略执行。我国电力企业正处于改革发展的关键时期,打造和提升执行力尤为重要,而制度无疑是执行力的坚强保障。本文将从制度约束的角度探讨如何提升电力企业执行力。  企业执行力的现状  对于员工来说,执行力就是把想法变成行动,把行动变成结果,从而保质保量完成任务的能力。而执行能
假期变学期家长成“同谋”?近日,教育部、团中央、全国妇联共同发出通知,各地教育行政部门和中小学校“不占用学生法定休息时间加班加点或集体补课”。北京市教委也 Recentl
一百年太短,远未解决1911年武昌城枪声所引发的争论。  辛亥百年之际,关于辛亥革命题材图书的出版,自年初至现在,或旧版重出,或引进台湾学者的论述,或新著刊行,不下数十种。抛开一些出版业制造的似有如无的通俗历史介绍,无论重看旧章还是阅读新篇,寻找其间的分歧,重回辛亥年的政治空间,对众多潮流进行判断,绝非简单的“历史癖与考据癖”。  事关国家创设的争议及解释,势必主导国家政治走向。一如对于法国178
自1948年夏到10月底,司徒雷登亲眼看到蒋介石处境日益恶化,曾不断向美国国务院探询:对华政策应否改变。下面是他给马歇尔的几个报告:   5月26日,司徒雷登报告说:“现政府已无力阻止共产主义之传播,除非获有一受爱戴之领袖(此似无可能),能号召民众,并恢复军队之作战意志,不能希望蒋委员长能充当此种领袖。因蒋氏似不能改变,且各方面证明彼必继续个人统治,此种个人统治的结果,乃造成现阶段之悲惨局面。” 
中日甲午战争期间,因“练兵”条陈不被采纳,北洋之势渐微,尤其是李鸿章地位江河日下,盛宣怀认为在北洋已难有作为,遂生投奔张之洞之念,经多方运作与不断努力,最终达成。 Dur