We have used HREM method to study the initial copper oxide, to determine the existence and structure of several initial oxides Cu_4O, Cu_8O and Cu_64O. This article reports another copper oxidation product, Cu_4O_ (1-0.25), which we continue with the above study. It is less than 1/4 oxygen atoms Cu_4O, can be seen as Cu_4O hypoxia structure. The oxygen atoms of this oxygen-deficient structure are arranged in several forms that share the same electron diffraction pattern, but the characteristics of HREM images are not the same. Three of these studies reported that they are alpha, beta and gamma. Cu_4O_ (1-0.25) is formed under the same oxidation conditions as Cu_4O. It is often observed that Cu_4O exists adjacent to Cu_4O (1-0.25). Figure 1a shows the crystal structure of the Cu_4O [100] oriented projection. The black dots represent Cu atoms, the circles represent the distribution of oxygen atoms, the numbers in the circles represent the height of oxygen atoms, and the small squares represent the projections of Cu_4O unit cells. As can be seen from the figure, the density of oxygen atom columns at the O-height and the ½-height are the same