VII. Structural Requirements of Beams (I) Forced Reinforcement 1. Diameter: When the beam height is ≥300mm, d≥10mm. When beam height is less than 300mm, d≥6mm. It is generally not recommended to use steel bars larger than 28mm, with the exception of special cases. 2. Spacing: The net length of the lower longitudinal reinforcement is a≥d and ≥25mm. The net spacing of the upper longitudinal reinforcement b≥d, and ≥30mm. When there are more than two rows of reinforcing bars, the net distance of the third row or above should be doubled. (b) Steel hoop 1. Diameter: When the beam height is ≤ 250mm, d≥4mm. When 250mm< beam height ≤800mm, d≥6mm. When beam height> 800mm, d ≥ 8mm.