发展问题一直是二次世界大战之后发展中国家 谋求解决的课题。而从20世纪90年代后期开始, 对这一问题的探讨又有了新的 素材:拉美地区许多国家政权 出现了接二连三的朝野易位, 在野党在激烈抨击政府在发展 道路选择上失误的过程中纷纷 崛起,重新掌握了政权。1998 年,委内瑞拉“第五共和国 运动”领导人查韦斯通过大选 取得执政地位,在此之后,智 利、巴西、厄瓜多尔、阿根 廷和乌拉圭的在野政党先后执 政。与此同时,世界上其他
The issue of development has always been a problem that developing countries seek to solve after the Second World War. Since the late 1990s, new material has been explored in this issue: the successive state-to-state crises in many countries in Latin America have occurred. In the process of fierce criticism of the government’s mistakes in the road to development Have risen one after another and regained their power. In 1998, Chavez, the leader of the “Republican Movement of the Fifth Republic” of Venezuela, took the ruling position through general election, after which successive political parties in Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina and Uruguay came into power. At the same time, the rest of the world