在每年的第10期杂志上,我们都要和新老读者朋友们说一说对第二年杂志的新的设想,今年也不例外。孩子是否能够健康成长,家庭是否保持和睦愉快,可以说是我们普通人最重要的生活内容之一了。它关系到个人的生存质量,关系到社会的稳定安泰,因此,一直就是国内外有关专家学者和媒体不断探索的课题。1999年,《父母必读》杂志将继续以科学严谨的态度,对育儿的观念、方法作新的探索和发现。我们打算,一方面在一些老栏目里推出新系列,另一方面开辟一些新的栏目: 本刊视点:1998年开设的这个栏目,其初衷就是要涉及孩子整个生存空间方
In the 10th issue of the magazine, we all want to talk with new and old readers and friends about the new ideas for the second magazine. This year is no exception. It is arguably one of the most important aspects of everyday life for our children, whether or not children can grow healthily and whether their families are happy and harmonious. It is related to the quality of individuals’ lives and the stability and stability of the community. Therefore, it has always been the topic of continuous exploration by experts, scholars and the media both at home and abroad. In 1999, Parents Must Read Magazine will continue to make new exploration and discovery of the concepts and methods of childcare in a scientific and rigorous manner. We intend to launch new series on the one hand, and on the other hand, to open up some new columns: Our point of view: This section opened in 1998, the original intention is to involve the child’s entire living space