企业文化是社会文化的一部分 ,它有最大的继承性、包容性和不易效仿性 ,它外在表现为企业形象 ,内在表现为企业行为 ,是企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。当前我国保险业竞争的焦点是人才竞争 ,这就决定了“以人为本”的企业文化成为中资保险公司参与竞争的“制胜法宝”。中资保险公司应以“继承与创新”和“本土化”作为企业文化战略去寻求新的突破。
Corporate culture is a part of social culture. It has the greatest inheritance, inclusiveness and non-imitability. Its external manifestation is corporate image, its internal manifestation is corporate behavior, and it is an important component of its core competitiveness. At present, the focus of China's insurance industry competition is talent competition, which determines that the “people-oriented” corporate culture has become a “winning magic weapon” for Chinese insurance companies to participate in the competition. Chinese insurance companies should adopt “inheritance and innovation” and “localization” as their corporate culture strategies to seek new breakthroughs.