本文综述了激素失平衡和机体衰老的关系。衰老所引起的常见激素的衰退。以及这些激素的生理功能及衰退所引起的机体功能的变化。提供正确的有科学依据的检测方法作为筛选和随访。介绍什么是生物同源性激素代替疗法和人工合成激素的不同处,以及其临床应用的安全性和抗衰老的有效性。强调各激素之间的调理循序协调平衡的重要性。激素的平衡协调才能达到临床上最大的抗衰老效应。“,”This article summarizes how underlying hormone imbalances contribute to the aging process. Research shows that a major factor behind aging is hormone deterioration, which subsequently causes loss of function in cells, tissues, and eventually organs. By understanding the physiological functions of common hormones, the common clinical presentation of the hormone imbalance, and the safety and effectiveness of bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) versus synthetic hormones, providers can learn the proper methods for detecting and correcting hormone unbalance in order to help patients reach maximum health potentials.