会议电视系统就是依托计算机网络在异地多个会场召开电视会议的系统。其国际标准为H.32x。我国幅员辽阔,选择会议电视系统可减轻交通压力及减少经费开支。 在我国,会议电视系统的应用有两种形式:一是由中国电信经营的以预约租用方式使用的公用会议电视系统,系统覆盖所
The conference television system is based on the computer network in a number of venues in different places to hold a video conference system. Its international standard is H. 32x. Our country has a vast territory. Choosing a conference television system can reduce traffic pressure and reduce expenditure. In our country, the application of the conference television system has two kinds of forms: One is the public conference television system operated by China Telecom and reserved for rent, the system coverage