1945年8月6日,日本广岛发生了一次毁灭性的灾难——美军向那里投掷了原子弹,面对一片废墟,广岛人并没有退缩,而是重建家园,振兴经济。49年后的今天,广岛将举办亚洲最大的体育盛会——第12届亚运会,向全亚洲乃至全世界展示它的新生。第12届亚运会将于1994年10月2日——16日举行,这是日本继1958年在东京举办第3届亚运会之后第二次举办亚运会。广岛亚运会的会徽是以日本国旗的红白两色作为基色,中间是一个仿佛和平鸽展翅似的“H”型图案,它取自广岛市的英文名称 Hiroshima 及“和谐”Harmony 这两个词的第一个字母,上方是亚奥理事会的会标:火红的太阳,这是广岛人民
On August 6, 1945, a devastating disaster occurred in Hiroshima, Japan. The U.S. military threw atomic bombs there. In the face of ruins, Hiroshima did not regress. Instead, it rebuilt its homeland and revitalized the economy. Today 49 years later, Hiroshima will host Asia’s largest sports event - the 12th Asian Games, to showcase its freshmen throughout Asia and the world. The 12th Asian Games will be held from October 2 to October 16, 1994. This is the second time that Japan will host the Asian Games after hosting the 3rd Asian Games in Tokyo in 1958. The emblem of the Hiroshima Asian Games is based on the red and white colors of the Japanese flag. The middle is an “H” -type pattern that looks like a dove of peace. It is taken from Hiroshima’s English name Hiroshima and “Harmony” Harmony The first letter, above is the OCA monogram: the red sun, which is the people of Hiroshima