
来源 :中国核科技报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leoncici617
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对广东省 1999—2015 年期间的年平均经济增长率确定了分别为9%和 7%的高、低两种方案。研究结果表明,在广东经济增长的高方案下,广东核电集团公司与广东电力局商定的从 2008—2015 年建设 6 台新的百万千瓦级核电机组的设想,在系统扩展的优化计算中被自动接受。这 6 台新核电机组的引入,虽然使整个系统的投资费用多了 11.15 亿美元,但包括燃料成本在内的系统总费用仍将减少6.44 亿美元。到 2015 年这 6 台核电机组将累计发电 1917 亿千瓦时,到 2015 年止替代的发电用煤总量将达到 6973 万吨标准煤(6 台核电机组一年就可替代 1550 万吨标准煤)。对于缺乏化石能源资源的广东省来说,这样大量的能源替代是十分宝贵的。计算还表明,这 6台核电机组将使广东电力系统在 2008—2015 年期间可减少排放 CO212.9%,SO2 3.7%,NOX 12.3%,粉尘 4.6%,可产生的环境效益也十分明显。因此,由本研究可知,在广东省通过以我为主建设大型核电机组,无论从经济的和环保的角度来看,还是从降低对省外煤炭的依赖程度来看,都有着十分明显的作用。加快建设新的核电机组,对广东乃至全国,都具有十分重要的作用与战略意义。 The annual average economic growth rate of Guangdong Province during the period from 1999 to 2015 was determined as high and low options of 9% and 7%, respectively. The research results show that under the high economic growth plan of Guangdong, the proposal of Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. and the Guangdong Electric Power Bureau for the construction of six new million kilowatt nuclear power units from 2008 to 2015 was automatically optimized in the system expansion optimization calculation. accept. Although the introduction of these six new nuclear power units will increase the overall system investment cost by US$1.115 billion, the total system cost including fuel costs will still decrease by US$644 million. By 2015, the six nuclear power generating units will generate 191.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, and the total amount of coal used for electricity generation by 2015 will reach 69.73 million tons of standard coal (6 nuclear power units can replace 15.5 million tons of standard coal in a year). . For Guangdong Province, which lacks fossil energy resources, such a large amount of energy substitution is very valuable. The calculations also show that the six nuclear power plants will enable the Guangdong Power System to reduce CO22.19%, SO3 3.7%, NOX 12.3%, and dust 4.6% during the period 2008-2015, and the environmental benefits that can be generated are also significant. Therefore, from this study, it can be seen that building a large-scale nuclear power unit mainly based on me in Guangdong Province has a very obvious effect both from the perspective of economic and environmental protection, and from the perspective of reducing dependence on coal outside the province. Accelerating the construction of a new nuclear power plant has a very important role and strategic significance for Guangdong and even the whole country.
国有、民营优势互补产权结构多元化势在必行 江特公司原是一家国有控股的老企业,为了适应社会主义市场经济改革的要求,1998年底将部分国有股权转让给民营企业宜春市中山电器有限公
思想政治工作 ,是对人的思想施以积极影响的实践活动 ,而人的思想从来都是和人的需要紧密相联的。马克思指出 :“‘思想’一旦离开‘利益’的需要 ,就会使自己出丑。”①需要
台湾彩色同业联谊会邀请中国文化大学印刷传播系李兴才教授做关于“正视中国印刷同业的发展”的专题演讲,报告中对于国内印刷同业发展分析如下: 一、为什么要正视的问题 台
一 矿产冶金工业概况吉尔吉斯斯坦已探明矿床5000余处,矿物原料200多种,如黄金、锡、钨、铜、锑、汞、铅、锌、铋、重晶石、石墨、红蓝宝石及用于军事上的铀和锑氧化物等。