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我院于1957年2月至9月间,在隔离病室收治了九例百日咳并发脑膜炎患儿,经过中西医会诊合作治疗,效果颇感满意,为了“抛砖引玉”,特将治疗情况报告如下,希望医界先进多多指教。祖国医学,没有百日咳并发脑膜炎的病名,至今于中医杂志上亦未见到报告,所以在治疗工作中也没什么成法可遵循。以我主观的见解,认为先贤们既然把百日咳概括于外感咳嗽之中,其并发脑膜脑炎也当属于“邪陷心包,热极生风”的范围,应该灵活运用温病痉厥的治疗方法,结合辨症论治的法则以施治之,可能是比较合理的,特别应以叶天士逆传的理论为指导,立方应以清热解毒为方针,以肃肺止咳,清心 In February and September of 1957, our hospital admitted nine children with whooping cough complicated by meningitis in the isolation room. Through the cooperation of Chinese and Western medical consultations, the results were quite satisfactory. In order to “bring the jade out of the blue,” the special treatment report is as follows: I hope that the medical profession will be more advanced. In the motherland medicine, there is no name for meningitis accompanied by meningitis, and no report has been found in the Chinese medicine journal so far, so there is no law to follow in the treatment work. Based on my subjective opinion, we believe that since the sages had summarized pertussis into exogenous cough, their meningoencephalitis also belonged to the category of “evil sacral pericarditis and hot wind” and should be used in a flexible way. , combined with the principle of treatment of disease differentiation by treatment, may be more reasonable, in particular, should be guided by Ye Tianshi’s theory of retrograde, cube should be the principle of heat and detoxification, with Su lung and cough, pure heart
征订、征稿国家级学术期刊,教育部主管、清华大学主办,双月1日出版,中学版、小学版全年各6期。全国各地邮局均可订阅。国内刊号:C N11-9321/G国际刊号:ISSN 1673-2499邮发代
从广西马兜铃(Aristolochia kwangsien-sis Chun et How ex C.F.Liang)的块根 From the roots of Guangxi Aristolochia kwangsien-sis Chun et How ex C.F. Liang
一、自1956年1月罗宗极同志在中医杂志上发表了紫草根预防麻疹的初步报告后;国内陆续发表了很多报道,说明紫草根预防麻疹有效,并建议大量推广。 I. Since January 1956, Co
本品系从卫矛科雷公藤属植物昆明山海棠[Triplerygium hypoglaucum (Levl.)Hutch.]的干燥根皮中提取的浸膏制成的糖衣片,每片含昆明山海棠醇浸膏250mg,相当于生药3g。总生物
牛扁别名曲芍,系毛茛科乌头属植物(Aconitum barbatum Pers var. puberulum Ledeb.),主要分布在我国北部地区。民间用其根治疗慢性支气管炎、关节肿痛及淋巴结核等病。该植