Stylistic Analysis of Excerpts of Animal Farm

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  Animal farm is a dystopian novella written by George Orwell, which is one of the most important dystopian novellas in the history. The work is known as a dystopian political allegory. So how does it work? I will make a stylistic analysis, hoping to have a clearer look of the work. I choose several representative paragraphs as an example. This extract describes a picture that after revolution, animals were on fire with excitement to get the hay in.

1. At the Lexical Level

  1.1 Vivid and specific words
  In this extract, we can find many vivid and specific words to describe how hard they worked while getting the hay in, which makes us able to imagine a picture that how the farm was working on after the revolution. Most of them devoted themselves to the farm without self-seeking. For example: Boxer and Clover would harness themselves to the cutter or the horse-rake and tramp steadily round and round the field.
  1.2 Accessibility
  In the above table, we can see that percentage of hard words in the extract is approximately 4.57%. And the fog index is 10.228, which is around a normal accessible text level. The extract is not obscure to understand.

2. At the Syntactic/Grammatical Level

  2.1 As far as syntax is concerned, we can find a variety of sentence types. In this part, we will mostly concentrate on sentence types.
  According to the table, short sentences have a larger number, comparing with long sentences. The extract is not complicated but still has several sentences that are not so easy to understand. The distribution of short sentences and long sentences is well organized with an appropriate rhythm.

  Since the extract is from a literature, most of the sentences are major sentences. Only two sentences “Gee up, comrade” and “Whoa back, comrade”,which was delivered by the pigs while working are minor sentences.
  The extract consists of periodic sentences. For example: Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey.
  Periodic sentences can create suspense in the reader’s mind and therefore achieve a special effect of emphasis and climax. In the second sentence, we can see that other animals were working tirelessly, while the donkey’s words were hard to understand. This creates suspense to lead the reader to continue the following paragraphs or following chapters to find out the fact. There is no typical balanced sentence in this extract; all the sentences are loose sentences. Since it is a narrative novel, it doesn’t need to be so regular.

3. At the Semantic Level

【Abstract】Language teaching can not be separated from cultural learning. However, problems still exist in culture introduction. Some suggestions are put forward to help improve cultural teaching in mi
【摘要】全球化的进步离不开经济发展,同时也离不开文化的交流。因此,如何传播发扬中国文化,使中国文化易于被外界所接受,就成了一大难题,而好的翻译正是解决这一问题的钥匙。译文是否能为受众所接受和认可在很大程度上决定了翻译方法和翻译策略的选择应以目的为导向。本文将以米欧敏英译《解密》为例,从翻译目的论的视角,以目的论三大原则为基础,分析《解密》英译本的成功原因,为日后将中国作品推向世界作参考。  【关键
【摘要】随着我国经济的快速发展,在社会生产中出现了更多的涉外企业,国际市场开发被专业的经济人员认可。英语是国际经济进步的工具,培养英语人才对社会发展有利,同时高职院校在培养人才上做出贡献。通过混合式学习改革高职英语教学是提升人才质量的主要方式。此篇文章主要阐述在高职英语教学中使用混合式学习的好处,为今后教学提供参照。  【关键词】混合式学习模式;高职英语教学;应用  【作者简介】徐妍妍,河南工业职
【摘要】翻译工作对于文学批评而言极为重要,是不同语言间有效交流的纽带,功能翻译理论作为文学翻译批评的基本理论,存在指导性功能。本文通过分析文学翻译面临的困境,探索功能翻译理论视域下文学翻译应重视的问题,以供参考。  【关键词】功能翻译理论;文学翻译批评  【作者简介】王娟(1985.05-),女,汉族,陕西榆林人,巢湖学院,讲师,本科,研究方向:文学翻译。  【基金项目】企业委托项目:基于功能翻译
【摘要】在新的教育背景下,高中英语教师需要秉持生本理念,创新教学模式。本文将立足高中英语写作课堂,探讨思维导图在高中英语写作教学中的应用,以期为有识之士提供参考。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;写作教学  【作者简介】谢晓清,广东省河源市连平县附城中学。  前言  我国教育事业不断发展,英语教育的重要性更加突出。高中学生承担较大的学习压力,英语教师需要优化教学模式,打造高效课堂。写作教学是高中英
【摘要】随着经济文化的全球化,英语写作作为一项重要的交际手段已被广泛应用于各个领域。因此,在中学英语“新课标”和新高考改革中,作文改成两篇,添加续写或摘要,这样对高中生学习和掌握一定英语写作能力的要求更高了。 但英语写作是一项很复杂的综合能力的运用过程,很难在短期内被熟练掌握并灵活运用。尤其对高中生来说,虽说已经过好几年的英语学习,掌握一定的词汇量和语法,但就考试当中写一篇短小的作文,好多学生都错
【摘要】高职教育是一个特殊的教育阶段,主要培养实用型人才,由于英语应用的行业较为广泛,高职教育阶段也开设有英语课程。随着信息技术的发展和普及,对高职英语教学模式也带来一定的影响,不少教师为改善教学质量都在尝试应用翻转课堂,且取得不错的成效。笔者主要对翻转课堂怎么在高职英语教学中应用进行着重探讨,同时罗列一些有效对策。  【关键词】翻转课堂;高职英语教学  【作者简介】何慧敏,威海职业学院。  翻转
【摘要】根据体验式学习理论,探讨体验式学习在大学英语课堂教学中的应用,如何引导学生能充分地,开放地参与英语语言的学习,能反思观察他们自己的英语语言学习体验,能结合他们的观察而形成逻辑理论,最终能综合运用英语准确地表达意思。  【关键词】体验式学习;大学英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】杨毅燕(1971- ),女,汉族,广西桂平人,梧州学院,教师,讲师,学士,英语课程与教学论。  教育家杜威于二十世纪三