2017年高考语文高频考点分类扫描(中) 专题10 名篇名句默写

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【考点阐释·技法点拨】在高考语文试卷中,名篇名句默写大致有两种出题方式:一是直接型默写,即试题给出上句或下句要求考生去填写空缺部分;二是理解型默写,即试题给出一定的语境,要求考生根据语境并结合对诗文的准确理解来补写。理解型默写的关键是理解,自不必说;直接型默写,也要理解先行,因为不理解就易写错别字,理解是准确的基础。名篇名句默写常见的错误有:写不出来,错位搭配,答非所问,添字、漏字,写错别字,笔 】 【Test points explain the skills calligraphy papers in the entrance examination, the famous motto silent write roughly two ways to write questions: First, the direct type of dictation, that is, the test sentence or the next sentence to ask candidates to fill in the vacancy part; Second, understanding Type of silent write, that is, the test questions give a certain context, requiring candidates based on the context and combined with accurate understanding of poetry to make up. Understand the key is to understand the type of dictation, Needless to say; direct type dictation, but also to understand the first line, because you do not understand easy to write typo, understanding is the exact basis. Famous famous dictation common mistakes are: can not write, dislocation collocation, answer nonsense, add words, missing words, write typo, pen
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咬文嚼字,准确理解词语是准确运用词语的前提,所以在语文教学中要培养学生及时查阅工具书,仔细体味文字的习惯。 To chew words and understand words correctly is the pre
Lin,Shuen-fu(林顺夫)男;生于1943年;美国;博士;研究领域:文学;密歇根大学亚洲语言文化系(Department of Asian Languages and Cultures,University of Michigan)中国文学教
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