31岁的张红英,中等身材,常人打扮,普通得不能再普通的一个女子。就这么一个平常女子,却令毒贩子闻名丧胆,她就是西安铁路公安处刑警三大队女缉毒警。 2004年6月9日,西安铁路公安处三大队侦查员在贵阳开往西安的2338次列车上查获一名叫刁风菊的女毒贩,缴获海洛因520克。经审讯,刁风菊承认自己是贩毒的上线,到西安联系下线牛秀群和刘青娴(均系女性)接货。为了将这个贩毒团伙一网打尽,铁路警方决定诱“敌”深入,将“钓”下线的地点定为西安市安柏街的秦骊宾馆,203号房间作为接头地点房间。经做工作,刁风菊愿意配合警方工作。女警张红英作为卧底,同刁风菊于10日凌晨3时悄悄登记203房间住下,为第二天白天迎接她的下线。嫌疑人刁风菊30多岁,因贩毒被判重刑,是个人物,才出监狱一年多,万一她有
31-year-old Zhang Hongying, a medium build, ordinary people dressed, ordinary can no longer be a normal woman. Just such an ordinary woman, but the drug dealer known to be fooled, she is Xi’an Railway Police Interpol Brigade female drug counter-narcotics. On June 9, 2004, a third-team investigator of Xi’an Railway Public Security Bureau seized a female drug dealer named Diao Juju seized 520 grams of heroin on the 2338 train bound for Xi’an from Guiyang. After trial, Diao Ju Ju admitted that he is drug trafficking on the line, to contact Xi’an offshoot Niu Xiuqun and Liu Qingxian (both women) to accept the goods. In order to make this a drug gang exhausted, the railway police decided to lure “enemy ” in-depth, the “fishing ” off the assembly line as the Xianbai Street, Qin Li Hotel, No. 203 room as a joint location of the room. After doing the work, Diao Chrysanthemum is willing to cooperate with the police. Policewoman Zhang Hongying as undercover, with Diaoju Chrysanthemum at 10 o’clock on the 10th quietly registered 203 room to live next day to meet her off the assembly line. Diao Ju Ju suspects more than 30 years old, was sentenced to severe penalties for drug trafficking, is a personal thing, only jail for more than a year, in case she had