由卡尔·米勒斯的住宅及工作室经几十年扩建而成的米勒斯花园博物馆,占地18000平方米。如今,历经半个多世纪的米勒斯花园已经成为斯德哥尔摩最著名的景点之一。其中卡尔·米勒斯为自己的墓地制作的一组天使群雕尤为动人心弦,在皑皑白雪的映衬下,显得如梦如幻……(2004年6月,北京市政府与米勒斯博物馆签约购买了《天之骄子》、《人与飞马》两件雕塑作品, 现坐落于北京国际雕塑公园。)
The Millers Garden Museum, which has been enlarged from the homes and studios of Carl Mills for decades, covers an area of 18,000 square meters. Today, Millers Garden has been one of Stockholm’s most famous attractions for more than half a century. One group of angels made by Karl Millers for his own graveyard is particularly touching. In the shadow of the snow, it looks like a dream... (In June 2004, the Beijing Municipal Government signed a contract with the Millers Museum. Two pieces of sculpture, “The Pride of the Sky” and “People and Pegasus,” are now located at the Beijing International Sculpture Park.)