源头预防的上下一致 依照源头预防十分重要的思路,重庆气矿党委健全了《矿党风廉政责任制与实施细则》、《矿领导干部党风廉政建设责任范围》等,并定期在全矿范围严格检查考核。每当中纪委、监察部的文件、法规出台,矿纪委都要快速广泛宣传,全矿转发执行,及时给全矿120多名副科级以上干部印发了党风廉政建设工作手册。又对全矿副总师和科级干部88人建立了《重庆气矿干部廉政档案》,并纳入计算机管理,已有60余名科级干部的廉政档案录入了廉政谈话及诫免谈话内容。还将《贪欲铺就自毁路》等13篇案件材料作为基层党委中心组学习的主要内容,结合发生的案件吸取教训,引以为戒。
According to the source prevention precaution is very important idea, Chongqing gas mine party committee to improve the “coal party style and honest government responsibility system and implementation details”, “mine leading cadres responsibility for building the party style and building a clean and honest government,” and regularly in the whole area of the mine Strict inspection examination. Whenever the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Ministry of Supervision documents and regulations are promulgated, the Commission for Mine Discipline Inspection must extensively publicize quickly and all the coal are forwarded and executed. In time, more than 120 cadres at the deputy section level and above have issued a manual on the work of building a clean government and a clean government. In addition, it also set up the file “Chongqing Bureau of Gas Mines Clean and Integrity” to all mine deputy chief officers and section-level cadres, and incorporated them into computer management. Over 60 corruption-free files of department-level cadres have been included in the clean government talk and the admonition-free talk. Will be “greedy shop on the self-destruction road” and other 13 cases of material as the grass-roots party committees central group learning the main content, combined with the case of lessons learned, take warnings.