走进新课程 快乐学语文

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《语文课程标准》指出:“学生是语文学习的主人。语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯,为学生创设良好的自主学习情境,尊重学生的个体差异,鼓励学生选择适合自己的学习方式……”这些新的理念为语文教学提供了正确导向,预示着语文课堂教学将彻底改变过去以“一言堂”为主要形式,以应试为主要目的的枯燥无味的教学现状,取而代之的是激发学生求知欲,开启学生智 “Chinese Curriculum Standard” states: “Students are the masters of language learning. Chinese teaching should stimulate students ’interest in learning, pay attention to cultivating students’ self-learning awareness and habits, create good self-learning situations for students, respect individual differences among students, Encourage students to choose their own way of learning ...... ”These new concepts provide the correct guidance for the language teaching, indicating that the language classroom teaching will completely change the past to “ a word of the Church ”as the main form to take the exam as the main purpose of boring The status quo of teaching, replaced by students to stimulate curiosity, open student intelligence