The magnetic properties of Sm 2(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) 17 alloys are very sensitive to heat treatments. A magnet with B r of 1.08?T, H ci of 2?312?kA·m -1 and ( BH ) max of 211.0?kJ·m -3 has been obtained after sintering at 1?201?℃ and aging at 830?℃. The magnet has a very low temperature coefficient ( β ) of -0.18% /℃. The maximum operating temperature is dramatically higher than commercial magnets. The microstructure analysis shows that Sm 2(Co,Fe) 17 , Sm(Co,Cu) 5 and Co 2Zr are found in the magnet. The EDAX analysis shows that the cells are enriched in Fe, but depleted in Cu and Zr, whereas the cell boundaries are Cu and Zr enriched, but Fe depleted.
The magnet properties of Sm 2 (Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) 17 alloys are very sensitive to heat treatments. A magnet with B r of 1.08 · T, H ci of 2? 312? KA · m -1 and (BH) max of 211.0? kJ · m -3 has been obtained after sintering at 1? 201? C and aging at 830? C. The magnet has a very low temperature coefficient (?) of -0.18% / C. The maximum operating temperature is The higher structural analysis of the Sm 2 (Co, Fe) 17, Sm (Co, Cu) 5 and Co 2 Zr are found in the magnet. The EDAX analysis shows that the cells are enriched in Fe, but depleted in Cu and Zr, whereas the cell boundaries are Cu and Zr enriched, but Fe depleted.